Sunday, November 16, 2014


I will be expanding my social media essay on Ian Daly.  I have chosen this essay because I feel that I wasn't broad enough, in other words, wasn't looking at the big picture.  Now that I am aware of this, I feel that I can make this paper much stronger.  My plan for expanding my paper is to use Ian Daly as more of reference rather than my whole essay revolved around him.  When I made my paper 90% about Daly, I found myself running out of things to talk about and didn't get away from his ideas enough.  I will talk about how technology overall affects people's lifestyles rather than just social media.  I will also use personal experiences about my social media accounts.  I will look for facts and statistics helping my claim that social media and technology change the way people live.  Some key words and terms I will use to find additional research:

  • virtual communication
  • virtual identity
  • changes in technology 
  • technology and children
  • kids growing up around technology
  • social media accounts and kids


  1. Hi Kelsey!
    We both are writing on the same topic. Before reading Daly's article I also wasn't aware of many things, like how serious does professional companies take our social profiles. You have a good point there to talk about how all these sites affect kids. Good luck on your essay!

  2. Good start of ideas on how to expand and deapen the meaning of youre essay. One thing that may help with your concept of how technology and the things that come with it impact society would be an article found on he database called, "Targeting Online Advertising: Using Reciprocity Appeals to Increase Accepamce Among Users of Free Web Services". In your case you could use this to explain your social media around children point.

  3. I think you already have the most important thing which is to identify what you did wrong on your original essay. Now the next step is to see how you will expand it and you are doing a great job. You can also research how social media accounts affect not only the younger generation but also older people as well. You could probably write a paragraph about it. You are on the right track. (:

  4. Good start and great feedback from your peers. I like the idea of virtual identity that you have in your key words. I can see an entire essay devoted to how one constructs this identity, not just on FB or Twitter but in virtual worlds. Think about the assumptions that are made based on someone's profile pic or screenname--items that may be very different than the "real person." Exploring this type of identity--which many would argue is as real as the physical world--would be very interesting.
